Image of a woman in a yellow rain cost with the hood up and backpack on, walking away into a field of yellow flowers. The word wellbeing is written over the top


Stepping each day is a great way to get fit, feel stronger, maintain a healthy weight and support your mental well-being. Moving more, in whatever way you can, is hugely beneficial to your overall health.

  • Improve your fitness - regular walking can help you maintain a healthy weight, burn calories and help tone muscles.
  • Improve your mental health - walking or running regularly can also be a great stress reliever and has even been shown to combat anxiety and depression. Plus, the exercise-induced endorphins will leave you feeling better than ever.
  • Everyone can move more - The Big Step is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels. It's also easy to build into your daily routine and doesn't need any special equipment. The challenge is all about moving more and sustaining this activity for future. If you're a wheelchair user, we'd love for you to take part, why not use an odometer to measure your distance?
 woman walking in Big Step t-shirt, smiling


You have committed to taking 5,000 or 10,000 steps a day, every day, during October. All steps count towards your target, but here are some top tips to ensure you smash it.

  • Do a fitness class at home or at the gym
  • Take the dog for an extra walk
  • Get off the train or bus a stop early
  • Explore your local area
  • Take the stairs
  • Meet a friend for a walk, run or wheel around the park 
  • Join our Big Step Facebook group to share more tips for boosting your steps!